Whether we’re hosting events, compiling information to help educate our members, or
providing a unified voice for our state’s farmers, we rely on strong partnerships
with other commodity groups to help ensure the continued success of
North Dakota agriculture.

National Barley Growers Association
North Dakota Wheat Commission

Partnerships Benefit Producers
As a farmer, strong partnerships are vital to the success of your operation. For us, it’s no different. We rely on collaboration with other state commodity organizations to help us provide education, representation and advocacy for all North Dakota farmers. Whether it’s hosting an event right here at home, or traveling abroad to explore new markets for North Dakota grain, our partnerships open the door to value-added opportunities for our state’s producers.
As we always have, we work closely with legislators and regulators to inform policy that is positive for North Dakota agriculture. Our strong partnerships with the North Dakota Wheat Commission and North Dakota Barley Council allow us a broader voice on issues pertaining to trade policy and crop marketing. With our internal focus and the strength or our partnerships, we’re confident we can continue to provide beneficial representation to North Dakota farmers.