About US

From building strong relationships with legislators in Bismarck
to meeting with top policy makers in Washington, the NDGGA
continually works to provide North Dakota farmers with
representation on both state and federal levels.

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From the Cab to the Capitol 

The North Dakota Grain Growers Association has been the premier voice for the state’s wheat and barley producers for more than 50 years. Originally named the North Dakota Wheat Producers, the North Dakota Grain Growers Association was founded in 1967 by a collection of farmers and agricultural leaders from across the state. To this day the NDGGA remains committed to serving its members with education, leadership, proactive advocacy and representation to increase profitability and value-added opportunities.


In recent years the NDGGA has sponsored an annual environmental tour (E-tour) to highlight the state’s agricultural practices and environmental stewardship. The organization has also sent representatives on trade missions abroad to explore new markets for North Dakota grain. These examples showcase the NDGGA’s proactive efforts to benefit the state’s wheat and barley industries and ensure continued profitability for the next generation of North Dakota farmers.